Despite the strides made by Black women in community organizing, we have yet to see representation of black women within our curriculum at Silberman School of Social Work. Below is the description of the Community Organizing method marketed to prospective students via the Silberman school site. Underneath, you’ll find the syllabi for Community Organizing classes at the institution; we’ve highlighted text that we were presented with in the classes that have involved the work of Black Women in Community Organizing.
Community Organizing, Planning, and Development
This concentration develops students’ competence for community-based practice. It stresses the skills, techniques, and strategies needed to mobilize both people and resources to solve basic social problems at either the neighborhood or citywide level. The social planning and social reform aspects of social work practice are underscored in seeking change to alleviate individual and family problems. Education and training are developed in collective action, advocacy, program evaluation, proposal writing, community outreach, legislative advocacy, and other vital organizing roles.
Community Organization, Planning and Development I (COP & D) is an introduction to the history of community organizing in social work, the basic theories and models of community organizing and change, strategic frameworks utilized by practitioners in the field, and fundamental organizing skills the student will need in their professional roles as a social work practitioners of community organizing. This course has been completely redesigned given the unprecedented moment we are now living in—one filled with equal amounts of great peril and great possibility. That the latter triumphs over the former will greatly be determined by the quality of organizing that unfolds over the coming years. Our goal by the end of your time in our program is that you will be well prepared to be a vital participant in that organizing.
Students will explore how to maximize tactical and strategic advantage within their own community-based field settings. Students will have the opportunity to enhance skills and understanding of the complexity and components of organizing with diverse communities based on geography, issues, identities, and/or positionalities. Models of community organizing will be introduced with a focus on deepening your understanding and utilization of flexible and adroit organizing tactics and strategies capable of short-term mobilization and long-term staying power needed for systemic change. Special attention will be paid to organizing across and within difference: social issues such as class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age and ability in the context of organization are discussed. Students will continue to explore their own background, histories, values, styles, assumptions and experience to enhance self-awareness and tactical use of self in assessment, intervention and evaluation of community change efforts.
The proliferation of the internet and the advent of social media has revolutionized community organizing around the world. From Occupy Wall Street (Juris, 2012; Tufekci et al. 2013) and the Arab Spring (Howard et al, 2011), to the Black Lives Matter movement (DeFreece & Carney, 2016), social movements are using social media to engage citizens and organize actions. Social media, particularly as accessed through cell phones, has become the preferred coordination tool for social movement mobilization around the world (Shirky, 2011). This course will introduce students to digital organizing and traditional models—both needed by today’s organizers).
Please Note: We are aware that some of these SSW 743 readings were offered in previous iterations in either SSW 741 or SSW 742, especially on material from the Midwest Academy and their allies. We are offering them here alongside other readings throughout the term as a way to deepen your strategic insight as well as tactical flexibility as such material deserves study and reflection within new organizing settings
Weeks One and Two: Your Present-day Organizing Context Is Based on History and Context: Where Does Social Work Fit?
- * Burghardt, S. (2020) “Introduction,“Nice is Not Enough: The Erosion of Necessary Debate,” & “Shame on You!: the ‘Invisible Decline of the Welfare State at the expense of the Social Worker,” pp xxiii-xxxi; pp 1-49.
- *Garza, A. (2020) The Purpose of Power: How We Come Together When We Fall Apart. One World: New York, chapter 2.
- *Fabricant, M. and Brier S. (2016). Chapter one. In Austerity blues: Fighting for the soul of public higher education (pp. 13-39). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press,
- Flowers, A., Alcantara, C, Santamariña, & Schaul, K. (2021) “What’s in Biden’s Budget proposal< Washington Post, April 9, 2021.
- *Isabel Wilkerson, “America’s Enduring Caste System,’ NY Times Magazine, July 1, (2020).
- *Rebecca Onion, “The Conservative Backlash A Brief History of the History Wars, NY Times, August 20, 2019.
- *Berk, B. (2020) Pride Began With A Protest: How Gay Rights Are Connected To Black Lives Matter
- Lebrecht, J. & Newnham, N. (2020) “Crip Camp,” Netflix documentary.
- Yamahtta-Taylor, Keeanga
- Casselman, Ben. (2021) The US is on the Road to a Better Economy: But Better for Whom? New York Times
- Lerer, Lisa and Annie Karni. (2021) “At 100 Days, Biden is Transforming What it Means to Be a Democrat. NY Times.
Week Three: Handling External Conditions through Internal Clarity & Flexibility About a Direction Forward: Developing Your Internal Strategic Vision
- *brown, a. (2017) Principles of emergent strategy: fractals. pp. 41-52.
- Burghardt, S. (2014) Developing strategic flexibility without compromising core values. pp 271-282.”
- *Fabricant, M. (2010) “Creating a Platform for Change” Organizing for Educational Justice University of Minnesota Press Minneapolis Minn. pp. 71-88
- *Horton, M (1994). ”Islands of Decency:” in The Long Haul New York: the Free Press. 130-143.
- *Tufecki, Z. (2017) Preface and introduction-xxi-xxx ; Chapter One, pp 3-27.
- *Yamahtta-Taylor, Keeanga (2021) Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation
- Yamahtta-Taylor, Keeanga and Adolph Reed. (2019) The Reparations Debate. Dissent.
- Katelyn Johnson (2021) “Imagining Liberation” The Forge.Imagining Liberation | The Forge (
Week Four: Alternative Visions and Platform from the Corporate-Funded Grass Roots: The Sustained Strategic Vision of the Christian Coalition
- *Fisher, W. L. & Reed, R. (1990). The Christian Coalition Organizing Manual. Chesapeake, VA: The Christian Coalition.
- Fisher, R. & Tamarkin, S. (2011). Right-wing organizers do this too: The case of the Christian Coalition. Journal of Community Practice, 19(4), 403-421.
- *Kowal, J. (2015, September 29). The improbable victory of marriage equality. Brennan Center for Justice.
- *Taddinio, P. (2021) “After Jan. 6, Investigating the Contours of a “Broad Fascist Movement” in the U.S. Frontline.
- Wilcox et. al. (1996) “Religious Coalitions in the New Christian Right” Social Science Quarterly (September 1996) Pp. 543.558.
Weeks Five-Six: Embody the Change You Seek? Models and Complications of Leadership
- *brown, a. (2017) Principles of emergent strategy: pp 1-40.
- *Fabricant, M. (2010) Chapter five 107-126
- *Burghardt, S. (2020) “From Islands of Possibility to Workplaces of Beleaguered Labor,” & “Fight or Flight: the New and Updated Forced March from Exhausted professional to Part-Time Clinician,” pp35-66.
- *Horton, M. (1994). “Charisma” 113-129.
- *Ransby, B. (2003) The preacher and the organizer. Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina .pp 170-195.
- *Tufecki, Z. 92017) Leading the leaderless. pp. 49-82.
- *brown a. (2017) “Intentional adaptation.” (pp. 52- 82).
- *Burghardt, S. (2020) “From Cultural Competency to Fighting Systemic Racism in 500 Not-So-Easy Steps.” The End. 87-108.
- Freire (2000) Chapter one. Pedagogy of the oppressed. (NY: Continuum Press.)
- *Khan-Cullors, P., & Bandele, a. (2018). What to do when they call you a terrorist. In When they call you a terrorist: A black lives matter memoir San Francisco, CA: Deckle Edge. pp 166-232.
- Warren, M., King, R., Ortiz-Wythe, B, Belloy, P., Zapata Calderon, J., Martinez, P., (2021) Intersectional Organizing and Educational Justice Movements: Strategies for Cross-Movement Solidarities. The Assembly.
Weeks 7-9: Grappling with Power: Tactical and Strategic Choice, Constraint and Dilemma
Perhaps our most crucial challenge in sustaining progressive movements is understanding, using and leveraging power for sustained change. There are these two dilemmas here: Dilemma 1: How does the group make best choices tactically and strategically given power arrayed against it and internal division? Dilemma 2: Subsequent to constructing a power analysis what are the organizing practices necessary to build the power to launch and win a campaign?
Forms of Decision-Making: Internal Organizational Power and the Development of Tactic and Strategy
- *brown, a. (2017) Tools for emergent strategy facilitation; Interdependence and decentralization; Resilience. pp 213-237; 83-102; 123-150.
- *Ransby, B. (2003) Fighting her own wars. pp 105-147.
- Smucker, R. (2017 Life of the oppositional group. pp. 71-101.
- Bolotsky, J. Beware the tyranny of structurelessness. In Boyd & Mitchell, 2016 (pp. 102-103).
- *Mineri Joan and Paul Getsos. (2007) How to Organize for Power in Your Own Community: Tools for Radical Democracy. Chardon Press pages-165-208.
- *Fabricant, M. (2010) Building community to change community. pp 107-125
Weeks Nine-Ten: Using Power, Strategy and Tactic for Sustained Organizing Campaigns
- *brown, a. (2017) 51-82
- Burghardt, S. (2020) “The Evidence In In: Expedited Core Competencies and the Fast Track to Diminished Social Work Education.” The End. pp 67-86.
- *Fabricant, M. (2010). Growing Community Power. Pp 203-240.
- Freire ,P. (2000). Chapter Two.
- *Engler M. and Paul Engler (2016) This Is An Uprising:New York New York Introduction and chapter 2, pages145-168
- *McAlevey, J. (2018) No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power. Oxford University Press: New York and London. Chapter 4.
- Smucker, J. (2017) Aspiring hegemonic; beyond the low plateau.pp 103-129;131-153
- *Deparle, J. (1990, January 3). Rude, rash, effective, ACT-UP shifts AIDS policy. NY Times.
- *Mineri Joan and Paul Getsos. (2007) How to Organize for Power in Your Own Community: Tools for Radical Democracy. Chardon Press pages- 283-300, 183-207
- France,David.(2020)”TheActivists:ACTUPNYTimes.
Week 11:Organizing Lessons from the Pandemic
- Youth Organizer interview (2021) Fighting for Housing Politics: An Interview with Two Youth Organizers, Metro Politics.
- Boguslaw, Daniel (2020) “Rent Strike Nation” The New Republic
- Kaori-Gurley, Lauren (2020) “Amazon-Whole Foods…Historic Strike Vice
The Uprising
- Buchanan, Larry et. al. (2020 “Black Lives Matter Protests May be the Largest Movement in US History” NY Times
- Kaori-Gurley, Lauren (2020) Minneapolis Bus Drivers Refuse to Transport Protestors to Jaili. Vice
- Jaffe, Sarah, (2020) :Mourning and Organizing: I Can’t Breathe” Portside
Week 12. Looking at the Past to Extract Lessons for the Future
- The Future of Organizing – The American Prospect
- It’s time for an organizing revival | by George Goehl | Mar, 2021 | Medium
- Ball, M. (2015, July 1). How gay marriage became a constitutional right. The Atlantic.
- Rosenblum, J. (2017). Fight for $15: Good wins, but where did the focus on organizing go?LaborStudiesJournal,42(4),387-393.
Week 13.Building Coalitions: Lessons from New York State Campaigns
Week 14: From Reaction to Transformation
- *Black Lives Matter (2021) “Mission and Value Statements.”
- *brown, a. (2014) “Resilience.” Resilience. pp 213-237.
- *Burghardt, S. (2020) “How Many Cases Does It Make a Cause? ‘Don’t Fret, Organize!’…for Years to Come!” The End, pp 109-142.
- *Engler M. and Paul Engler (2016) This Is An Uprising:New York New York Introduction and chapter 2, pages145-168